Heating and Cooling

I’m Freezing

God, I am so cold. I wish my housemates would let me turn the heater on but they’re really concerned about the price of our bills this month. We split the bills four ways and seriously, it’s like a maximum of $200 each per month. My housemates spend more than that on dinner and drinks on a Saturday night. Surely turning the heater on isn’t that crazy of an idea.

But alas, when you live with people you can’t always do what you want. As much as it sucks to not be able to turn on the ducted heater when I want to, at least I know that it works. A technician offering ducted heater servicing in Canberra, which is where we live, came to our house the other month to service our heater. Apparently, that’s something that our landlord has to pay for and so my housemates and I happily invited him in to do the job. Not that we’re allowed to use it, but it is good to know that it works.

I hope my housemates go out so that I can put the heater on soon. They’re party animals and it’s a Friday afternoon, so I assume they’ll be heading out in the next couple of hours. As soon as my last housemate leaves I’m putting the heater on. What they don’t know can’t hurt them and if I choose to stay home when they choose to go out then surely I get free reign to use the house however I choose. 

I am so glad that I’m a renter so that I don’t have to pay for my own heating services. In Canberra and surrounding areas, it’s always cold and I’d have to pay to get my heater serviced every year to try and stay warm. It’s nice that renting has at least that one perk. Other than that though, renting is pretty much dead money. If only I could afford to buy a house.

Warmest New Job

I absolutely LOVE MY NEW JOB. I made such a good decision changing companies. I can’t even begin to explain how happy I am. I’m not only in a much more senior position, I’m surrounded by people who support me and I am making a difference in the world. Every day I come to work and I am sure that I’m doing good things. It’s made my workplace morale so much better and every day I can’t wait to get started. 

I’m sure you all remember my anger and frustration at my boss for refusing to hire a technician specialising in ducted heater servicing. Canberra businesses should all get regular heating services if they want their employees to be happy. If they’re not doing that then they can’t really expect their employees to stay. We sell our time to businesses. I can (clearly) sell my time to anyone and obviously, I’m going to choose the business that makes my life the best – it would be silly not to.

But anyway, this isn’t about my old work anymore. This is about work that is fulfilling and how much I enjoy working where I work. It’s also about working for bosses that respect your needs and recognise that paying for regular heating services in Canberra is absolutely pivotal to employee satisfaction.  

I’m excited for my new life to really begin. It’s going to be fantastic. I’m making my way in the world and I can feel it. What started as a young woman fresh out of university just trying to land an internship has led to a senior position in just over two years. I’m so proud of myself.

Even though my old colleagues weren’t proud of me, I’m not going to let that get me down. I’m going to use that as motivation to get better every single day. I’ll show them just how good I am.