Ruby’s Sewer Project

Ruby the rat had been working at Remy’s cheese delivery business for five years when she decided she’d had enough. Ruby loved cheese, and she loved her customers, but Remy was an awful boss. He never complied with OHS procedures, he failed to communicate with clients, and – perhaps worst of all – he never shut up about how brilliant his house near the CBD was. Sighing, Ruby scanned through her list of customers all around the area for someone who could install job management software for trades and services in the Melbourne CBD (and underground). The cheese delivery business had been a greater help to Ruby than Remy had ever been. But there would be brilliant software in any industry. She put her resignation notice on Remy’s desk and left the store. 

Where to work next? Ruby knew there were several projects going on in the sewers at the moment. She didn’t want to be part of the king’s promotional video, or the huge plumbing project that was underway in regional Victoria … But she knew of a group of rats who were working to improve lighting in the darkest sewer tunnels. Maybe she could join them? Ruby thought they would appreciate the extra help, but she wasn’t sure they would be willing to take someone without experience as an electrician.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea came to her! Ruby had a passion for rat technology, and she knew about a new job management software. Designed for electrical contractor businesses in Melbourne, it was so new to the market that there was no way the electrician rats could have seen it yet! She would bring it to them, show them how easy it was to use, and how such software could cut down on admin tasks such as quotes, invoices and timesheets. Even purchase orders for new light bulbs could be tracked through the software. Ruby grinned. She couldn’t wait to apply for the new job – anything to get away from Remy!